Experts: Make more sense to do Covid checks on flights from NY than on those from CN

Experts consulted by ABC are skeptical of the European reaction and warn of the risk of variants in the US.

Although the situation in China is worrying , especially due to the reliability of the data offered, it is not believed that there could be a great impact from the last wave.

Specifically, 97.5 percent of infections in China are caused by BA.5.2 and BF.7, which have already been detected in Spain and other European countries, according to the latest report from the World Health Organization, from the data of the Chinese health authorities.

"I am more concerned about other variants that have emerged in the United States , such as XBB.1.5, which is growing very fast in New York," warns biochemistry professor José Manuel Bautista.

The Omicron variants that are growing faster in the West are not the ones that are now wreaking havoc in China, those have already passed through Europe. 

In the United States, the fastest growing is XBB.1.5, baptized by the media as 'Kraken' or 'nightmare'. The World Health Organization monitors her closely.

This new variant, baptized in the media as 'Kraken' or 'nightmare variant', was first detected in New York and Connecticut and has spread rapidly throughout the northeastern United States and is also beginning to do so in Europe. "In order to establish controls on travelers, it would make more sense to do so for those who come from New York than for those from China," he says.

Of the same opinion is María del Mar Faraco, president of the Association of Foreign Health Physicians. She thinks that it does not make sense to establish this type of controls in which a negative test is requested before boarding and passengers are randomly tested upon arrival. 

«The decision to do it to travelers from China I do not see as a useful measure. It is an overreaction and in response to public unrest, not an effective and proportionate public health response," she told ABC.

China should impose 100% test on all returning/incoming travellers for XBB. Let assmerica pass it to Europe, Japan and their allies dogs

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