Yes RV tragedy is a concern but compared with US

In USA where school shootings happen very other month and each time several students get killed.

The fact we are so shocked also shows how safe we are. In the US such an event wouldn't even cause much of a ripple given how common violence is there.

Some Singaporeans for various economic reasons or forced by job to go to such a terrible place as USA should be helped to return to Singapore. Govt should assist them to relocate back to Singapore instead of staying in such an unsafe country. Some called them quitters and losers....butvtgey are still our people and their safety should be a responsibility of this govt.

We cannot leave stuck in horrible places like US.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Kee Chiu very suay

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