After more than 2 years, Assmerica still wants Ukraine to continue fighting!!???

(01-05-2022, 02:36 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  See who wins and loses later lah!

whoever wins later, the thing which must do now is to fight the invader

(01-05-2022, 02:45 PM)laotiko Wrote:  whoever wins later, the thing which must do now is to fight the invader

Winner takes all mah!

U.S. benefits the most from Ukraine crisis: European Parliament member


U.S. shifts goals on war in Ukraine amid concerns over Russia's nuclear capabilities



(01-05-2022, 02:45 PM)laotiko Wrote:  whoever wins later, the thing which must do now is to fight the invader

Who is the "invader" leh?

(03-05-2022, 07:31 PM)kokee Wrote:  china govt media now said russia will lose in Ukraine war & Russia will be dissected by 12 country, china will share with the rest 11 country on russia land.
sound like russia will lose till surrender & whole country will be gone & no more russia in future.
china is eyeing or try to please the west & work with west to attack russia?
can russia work with the west & attack china & dissect china?
what happen to china & xi? suddenly betray russia totally? so worry & scared?

5.2 【十二國瓜分俄羅斯?】中國官媒預言俄羅斯最終戰敗,國土被十二國瓜分,中國亦分一杯羹!

(09-05-2022, 04:24 PM)kokee Wrote:  how is putin now?
parkinson plus cancer?
ending soon?

普京已经病入膏肓 这两位可能是他的接班人

russia & putin going to game over, take over the vast land of russia, who still want peace talk now?
all these moronic comie digs here bark lies so brainless 7/24 here.


Gravitas Plus: How Defence Giants are making billions from the Ukraine war


美國要讓烏克蘭徹底“完蛋”!沒錢我借給你 但要還的!拜登正式簽署烏克蘭“租借法案” 美國與俄羅斯終於一起“瓜分”了烏克蘭!





【每日必看】美援烏沒盡頭!民眾連奶粉都買不到 蔡正元:美已開始煩@中天新聞 20220515



At this point, the west is helping Ukraine to win the war and thinking the Russians will not launch their Nuclear arsenal

its like playing with dice, snake eye and all die

(17-05-2022, 09:57 AM)keys Wrote:  At this point, the west is helping Ukraine to win the war and thinking the Russians will not launch their Nuclear arsenal

its like playing with dice, snake eye and all die

If NATO is not directly involved, Putin dun need to use nuclear arsenal.

(17-05-2022, 10:01 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  If NATO is not directly involved, Putin dun need to use nuclear arsenal.

Nato is involved 

how did Ukraine manage to kill 10 generals and sink the Moskva, Intelegence and information 

in War , know where your no 1 target is and how to strike it, is like facing 10x the army you think you are facing 

if Russia knows where Zelenky is hiding , by now he would be under a rubble or burried 6 ft under 

the Russians are not stupid, when they see too many of their soilders come back in body bags and their 1/3 of their gound armour destroyed... 

They will bring in the bears and load it with heavy bombs...and bomb the living life of many cities

(17-05-2022, 11:11 AM)keys Wrote:  Nato is involved 

how did Ukraine manage to kill 10 generals and sink the Moskva, Intelegence and information 

in War , know where your no 1 target is and how to strike it, is like facing 10x the army you think you are facing 

if Russia knows where Zelenky is hiding , by now he would be under a rubble or burried 6 ft under 

the Russians are not stupid, when they see too many of their soilders come back in body bags and their 1/3 of their gound armour destroyed... 

They will bring in the bears and load it with heavy bombs...and bomb the living life of many cities

So far, NATO never admitted and Russia acts blur mah!  Laughing





How US & Russia Profit From The War In Ukraine | Vladimir Putin | Latest English News

America is a ‘military industrial complex’ was the pronouncement made by the 34th U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower around 70 years ago. 

We find this statement to be true over the evolution of America in the past few decades and even today as the superpower makes high profits off weapon systems and armaments used in the war between Russia & Ukraine.

While Russia faces war on one front, the rise in oil prices around the world prove to be extremely profitable for the nation.

From sanctions to soaring oil prices, Maroof Raza, Indian Defence Analyst & Consulting Editor, Times Network gives you an insight on how US & Russia profit from the war in Ukraine.

Watch this explainer video for more.


Russia claims to have destroyed Western arms shipment in Northwestern Ukraine

President Daniel Ortega recalled that Russia defends its sovereignty

The Nicaraguan government called for dialogue to achieve peace in the world in light of the tense situation caused by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine




(07-05-2022, 11:22 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Who is the "invader" leh?

Russia invaded Ukraine lah! So must stop them lor!

美軍基輔奪權!北頓涅茨克撤換“女指揮官” 烏“人民公僕黨”副主席別祖格拉婭擔任頓巴斯前線最高指揮官 美軍通過人民公僕黨控制烏軍 澤倫斯基“黨爭”奪權 烏軍堅守北頓涅茨克成為“基輔權力鬥爭犧牲品



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