Carson Block : Investors fail to investigate China risks

Investors haven’t taken into account the market risk inherent in China, said short seller Carson Block.

“I think that investors for the past decade were basically pulling the wool over their own eyes on the capriciousness of the policy environment in China,” Block, chief investment officer of Muddy Waters Capital, said in an interview Monday on Bloomberg TV. “So that’s coming home now to bite a number of investors. But it’s just one of many risks that you really need to take into account but investors have not.”
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From the time Carlson block start talking against investment in China until now I think China stock has gone up 300%.....

One day he will be right.....but by then don't know how many money making opportunities will be missed.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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