ECB: The largest rate hike in its history and warns that it will raise them again

The European Central Bank (ECB) has made its second consecutive rate hike (and the most aggressive in its history) to combat inflation, which has already reached 9.1% in the eurozone , after the hike applied at its July 50 basis points. The monetary authority has chosen , on this occasion, to increase the price of money from 0.5% to 1.25% . 

A decision that is in line with what was forecast by the experts, who expected a rise of 75 basis points when a few days ago their forecast was 50.

Thats it more retrenchment liow…. companies no more cheap money to support poor biz model

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

singlon is shivering now
a debt based system needs lower not higher rates
Banks CASH needs increased deposits' rate rises
has to encourage dat singlon to borrow more by lowering costs for him.
I have to send him a blank cheque. chut amt sign and deposit 2pm money ready.
[Image: IMG-20220908-140615.jpg]

i have sent singlon another letter
step123 b4 cross border
we give 8% cash back if he uses his credit card

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