nowadays elders hv new past time not keen to look after grandchildren

went to a relative  new condo housewarming  learnt that they spend time watching foc HK  v nice  drama way way much better than media cotp medicore story. 
foc hk drama like duboku. tv anywhere n fr those boxes srtill can buy fr sim lim sq.
bes part fr duboku no adv all full length 45 min show

mahjong games are no more their favourite past times as b4

Elderly wants to enjoy life

That is why PAP came up with their one- sided NEWS

that elderly want to continue working

JoTeo putting $900 Million on SPH Trust to waste money

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

true .. one of my regrets is to believe that the old wants to help out looking the young one, even went the extend to buy house near them ..what they will say to your face eventually is " can give birth to children, must know how to take care on your own"

that means the conditions are
1 must have a maid... do all the work, they are the supervisor ( of the TV)
2 their own time and target
3 additional compensation $$

So for those who believe the old gen wants to help you .. take it with a spoon of salt, its better to put your baby into infant care and be free from all these

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