instead of fighting for his people?
He has no guts and a pure coward to fight for Justice?
Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers?
(13-10-2024, 10:15 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: These fcuking traitors
Are PAP haters
Like sgbuffett
Who would suck run road traitors dick
Because they think
They got fcuked by PAP
In some way
Like their failure to get into a local university
(13-10-2024, 10:44 PM)Tangsen Wrote: Why is a loser Muddysian traitor involved in SG's internal affairs? Maybe he should concern himself with the VEP fiasco.
(14-10-2024, 09:23 AM)Wy:Nox Wrote: It is just a mad Malaysian man from IMH trying to fck himself when Oxley is not his house. What has it to do with foreigners?
(13-01-2025, 11:36 AM)FartSunKing Wrote: Patriotic Singaporeans must unite to defend Singapore against PAP haters
(19-01-2025, 04:26 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: fcuked by ceca, come here whining to suck singh dick
poor jobless bastard become turncoat traitor
after losing her job to her Singaporean colleague
but blame ceca/PAP as if they are her mama's tits
pui! pui! pui!
(02-02-2025, 09:47 AM)FartSunKing Wrote: Your response confirmed my suspicions!
You are a fcuking traitor who hates PAP
I am a patriotic Singaporean who loves PAP
I have no problem integrating with other patriotic law abiding Singaporeans
I definitely have no problem integrating with immigrants/foreigners
I married an immigrant from Vietnam, produced a son to service NS to protect Singapore
Whereas you fcuking ccbai whiner is a PAP hater with a born Singaporean mother tit's entitlement mentality
Who is unable to integrate with people of other races, religion or nationality
My contribution to Singapore is to expose PAP haters and traitors like you
Who came here to spread lies and sow discord between locals and foreigners
You are a fcuking coward who hides behid your whiny little ccbai nicks here
(05-02-2025, 11:05 AM)FartSunKing Wrote: Modern Singapore founded by PAP
For PATRIOTIC law abidiing Singaporeans
Who supports the ruling government by voting for PAP
Not for TRAITORS like oops who spread lies and misinformations here
Shamelessly begging other PATRIOTIC Singaporeans like me to vote out PAP
(Yesterday, 12:56 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: You another stupid fcuk or what?
If you are of Chinsese descent, your ancestors were migrants from China
Do not sin against your ancestors by calling them turncoat
Get it!
However, the greater ease of travel has affected migration trends today. Singapore is now seeing a greater diversity of migrants who are just as likely to come from major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, and rural regions like Shandong, Sichuan and Zhejiang.