The 3 crashes of the HSI index

[Image: hDv9fZB.jpg]

The first crash was Financial crisis 2008, the next one was 2015-16 Shanghai meltdown crash. The current crash started in 2018-now when Fed tried to raise rates then pause. It was followed by mass protests and govt crackdowns the pandemic ....the China property meltdown then Covid zero...the US interest rate hikes.

By the time the US Fed hike rates it was already down 38% from peak so it was crashing down on a low base. Its like going to a closing down sale that turned into a fire sale.

Of course day to day month to month there is volatility and trouble but for hard-core seasoned value investors this is where you look because you don't get to but cheap unless there is trouble and disaster.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

all these comie dogs here ask morons here to buy alibaba, BYD, tencent, xiaomi all these china junk shares!
when price up they spam like insane & shown chart & trading record, but when price crash down, they keep quiet! 
unload & sell already? why bark to buy, never bark to sell when they sold?
alibaba down from 300 to 87 now, tencent down from 800 to 298 now! now at multi-yr low, what is their average buying price if keep?
all these comie liars here, never tell the truth & fact!!
everything they post almost 100% lies!!!
all these know nut  dogs, same to all the brainless supporters here, never follow to buy or anything, just lick ugly here 7/24!!!

(16-09-2022, 10:22 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these comie dogs here ask morons here to buy alibaba, BYD, tencent, xiaomi all these china junk shares!
when price up they spam like insane & shown chart & trading record, but when price crash down, they keep quiet! 
unload & sell already? why bark to buy, never bark to sell when they sold?
alibaba down from 300 to 87 now, tencent down from 800 to 298 now! now at multi-yr low, what is their average buying price if keep?
all these comie liars here, never tell the truth & fact!!
everything they post almost 100% lies!!!
all these know nut  dogs, same to all the brainless supporters here, never follow to buy or anything, just lick ugly here 7/24!!!

These are not junk shares.
They have fallen due to external circumstances and earnjngs are affected.

Even Microsoft, amazon and Google the stock falls 30-50% on its way up.

That is the nature of stocks. That is why most people are NOT  suited for stock investing as they cannot stomach the volatility.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

Look at this piece of news that you may have missed.
For many years Li Kashing company off loaded their HK assets at the peak in 2018 and 2014.

They are starting to buy distress assets ...and this is not the k
Only deal.

Yes there is worry and there fear but do not confuse the recent with the long term.

[Image: 9oNzFxR.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(16-09-2022, 10:25 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  These are not junk shares.
They have fallen due to external circumstances and earnjngs are affected.

Even Microsoft, amazon and Google the stock falls 30-50% on its way up.

That is the nature of stocks. That is why most people are NOT  suited for stock investing as they cannot stomach the volatility.

Exactly, it is time in the mkt and not timned the mkt, look i 10 yrs ago move to wall st after selling all my blue chip and i am still up
a lot in profit even thiough the nasdaq and s&p is down today..

dont look short term, short term mkt is a voting machine, long term it is a weighing machine,,,, sound familiar???

Boh liao. Cannot clear resistance means finish liao. Bye bye.

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-17-082701.jpg]

aiptasia is now in my ignored list.
Omi.. Thank you for bumping up the message.

(17-09-2022, 12:44 AM)victortan Wrote:  Exactly, it is time in the mkt and not timned the mkt, look i 10 yrs ago move to wall st after selling all my blue chip and i am still up
a lot in profit even thiough the nasdaq and s&p is down today..

dont look short term, short term mkt is a voting machine, long term it is a weighing machine,,,, sound familiar???

Doe to short term events we may see more downside or bounces. ...some of it can be quite hard for people to stay emotionally balanced.

After the Financial crisis rally then crashed due to euro debt crisis in 2012. Long term it seems like small event but at that time it was scary as hell when Greece was about to default. Even those who managed to  be invested after the 2008 financial crisis, got out and missed the next 9 years which were the best in history.

Investing depends alot on time how much time you have.left before you need the money.

The emotional aspects is most difficult for ordinary investors. I keep a diary to watch what people think and say. In July 2022 as the market bounce up many say worst is over ..recovery soon better buy more. Today after one CPI number it is doom and gloom. So all this is very hard for the ordinary lay man investor.

The best way to overcome the emotional challenges of investing for ordinary people is to invest regularly using dollar cost averaging and not bother with the day to day happening in markets. This way you capture long term returns without the emotional burden.

For the more savvy value investors you need to be good enough to overcome what the market is saying otherwise you will also be shaken out. Most will be never reach this level of proficiency. 

I have never seen a 3 year period in the stock market without a major storm

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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