who is the most honest n dishonest forumers here ?

of course we do nt take at 100% face value whatever is posted here 
some are abdolutely false some are just certain degree of factual but more are for entertainment n coffee shop talk
but there are also dishonest postings n downright dishponesty shown

Nothing is honest in ALL forums around the WORLD.


(05-04-2023, 09:48 AM)ODA TETSURO Wrote:  Nothing is honest in ALL forums around the WORLD.

I think all forum users, try their best to submit honest threads...........but sometimes it is not very accurate........... Big Grin

(05-04-2023, 09:23 AM)talky Wrote:  of course we do nt take at 100% face value whatever is posted here 
some are abdolutely false some are just certain degree of factual but more are for entertainment n coffee shop talk
but there are also dishonest postings n downright dishponesty shown


An example.

Creating hundreds of user ids to vote for himself to be the most popular member.

[Image: EZFPjuX.png]

This forum does not have that many members to produce a reliable vote.  If there are as many members here as there are in edmw, then the vote tells you something...like when someone kar pager and calls you to come.  Wink

[Image: A7gDf29.png]

tan yak chin looser like to csb

forum posting is serious business.

Jac Lau and his dozens of lies

#1. He said a few times his bus train fares are cheaper by 33%

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

The most dishonest is SG Talker Basic_Strategy aka Edmwer MikeDirnt78 from India. India Indian also can become Local born Singaporean Chinese.
[+] 1 user Likes Guest's post

Notdumb likely mati liao...visited QingMing today..

honest in forum does not mean honest irl.

Jac Lau also lied that he is a Singaporean

when he talks, thinks, behave like a Foreigner

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

famous prata stall owner  Rolleyes

yak chin die n choke on subway next week

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