US verses Ukraine which country got the most battlefield experience

US verses Ukraine which country got the most battlefield experience

Meta AI: The United States has more battlefield experience than Ukraine, given its involvement in numerous conflicts and wars across the world, including:
- World War I and II
- The Korean War
- The Vietnam War
- The Gulf War
- Afghanistan War
- Iraq War
On the other hand, Ukraine has gained significant battlefield experience in the following conflicts:
- Soviet-Afghan War
- Nagorno-Karabakh War
- Transnistria War
- Russian-Ukrainian War
Ukraine's military has gained significant experience in urban warfare, counter-insurgency, artillery warfare, tactical defense, and asymmetric warfare.

Ukraine are very alike to Russian as even language both understand. They really should merge back again and stand united whack US and NATO back.

Saw a touching video a Russian soldier piggyback an injured Ukrainian soldier on his back to medical station I presume. And both were singing the same children school song as they move along so touching. They are one and same why because of US NATO fight each other? Zelensky that Jews dictator is the cause of it all. So many Ukrainian families no father and son just becuz you want to lean towards NATO who so far rejected your nation entry how ironic.

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