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Full Version: [GPGT] Shan thinking to sue ? against affair allegation
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I think some group from within want him to go.
(16-08-2023, 09:10 AM)CHAOS Wrote: [ -> ]Dont play play hor! later some people will say we are racist  Big Grin

How is pointing out a shameless fooking affair racist?!?!?
Yeah right. We believe you

[Image: images-q-tbn-ANd9-Gc-Qsm-FQzp-YKTu-Qey1s...x-VPAu.jpg]
The affair seems to be during his lawyer time.
(16-08-2023, 10:49 AM)Truebluesg Wrote: [ -> ]How is pointing out a shameless fooking affair racist?!?!?  Big Grin
I did not cheat on my ex wife with multiple women. ( see M ravi accusations)
I did not Piak And Piak FmeHard at all.
Yeah we believe you.
(16-08-2023, 10:51 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]The affair seems to be during his lawyer time.

lots of chatter.
even a lawyer asking shamelessdog to sue him if not true .  Thinking seems quite true leh.
Black and white saga really put him into pandorabox.
pandorabox once OUT chanchanYeo attracts attention.
without he beri saiKi with a certain pattern of motion like beri chalk like 999.9 chutKIM.
chutKim is money not currency.
meaning u drop i pick u cannot report police.
as a councillor when come to money sueing is stupid.
(16-08-2023, 09:00 AM)Wy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]If Jothie did not write the post, then who else knew about this? Jothie’s sister?

Who is Jothie leh? Thinking Very interesting leh! Big Grin
No smoke without fire
if untrue SUE M RAVI ( for these specific allegations ) LAH
Unseal the court papers !
Talk so much cock for what?!?!?!
(16-08-2023, 01:38 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Who is Jothie leh? Thinking Very interesting leh! Big Grin

oh wait.... is that fake as well? LOL
When she went to study for PhD, he went out to Hmmm, hmmmm, hmmmm.
why Sham got so many daiji recently ?

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