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Full Version: Today's weather forecast
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Today's weather forecast: 30 degrees C, with Rain showers, do remember to bring a brolly when outdoors.......
I have already run at 8am in the morning. Now I am practicing 九阳神功。
(03-11-2021, 12:13 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]Today's weather forecast: 30 degrees C, with Rain showers, do remember to bring a brolly when outdoors.......

More thundery showers expected for next two weeks.

Expect the wet weather to stay for the next fortnight.

The weatherman has forecast thundery afternoon showers on most days during this period, with showers extending into the evening on a few days.

Due to the large-scale convergence of winds over Singapore and the surrounding region, widespread moderate-to-heavy thundery showers are expected on some days as well, the weatherman said on Monday.

This may be coupled with thundery showers and gusty winds on a few mornings...

Part of an article found in today's The New Paper