SG Talk

Full Version: 5 areas Kirei2 is better than Dettol Soap
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1. For Peranakans, mothers often use turmeric or curry powder
Can wash off the fingernail stains easily

2. For elderly, 老人味
Can remove the smell effectively

3. For children, they love to draw or doodle
Can wash off faster than Dettol gel soap
4. For me, I perspire easily
Everyday coming home feels like I came from a hawker center
After using Kirei2 for sometime, it was better

*Bath & Body smells like perfume body spray but so oily!

How much is a bottle? Thinking
Just now saw NTUC having offer

[Image: IMG-6577.jpg]
5. Kirei Kirei is foam, not gel
So it does not need a lot of water to bubble up nor wash -off

Can save water.