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>中國經濟增長率已從 2019 年的 5% 放緩至 3%,並將在 2030 年降至 2% 左右。按照這樣增速,中國將無法實現習近平 2020 年設定,到 2035 年將經濟規模翻倍的目標。這將使中國更難脫離中等收入新興市場的行列,也意味中國永遠不會超越美國,成為世界第1大經濟體。<
China will never  win USA to be world power number 1.
(21-08-2023, 03:16 AM)Oasis Wrote: [ -> ]China will never  win USA to be world power number 1.

How come you so scare?
Dont laugh. It is year 2043 lah. Rotfl
China is at Super Major 2 wave at the moment lah.
China problems today self inflicted by Xi

1. ,zero covid policy devastated the economy.
2. Tech company crackdown destroyed hundreds of billions in value and growth.
3. Education sector crackdown wipe off entire private education sector with millions employed.
4. Anti spy law used to arrest business consulting fpreigjn company executives ..these companies collect data for foreign investors because china data is opaque.
5. Refusal to sigh trade deal with US after Li He negotiated a good deal. This deal is similar to the one US sign with Mexico. Now Mexico is US biggest trading partners.
6. Property sector mismanagement allowing bubble to grow too big then abruptly clamping down with 3 red lines.
7. Belt and Road it cost China hundreds of billions as poor countries default.
8. "Common prosperity " concept caused many rich Chinese to shift money out to Singapore. They fear wealth confiscation under communists.

Next mistake is failure to take decisive actions at the very onset of deflation. This is textbook classic error. Reason is Xi surround himself with people without deep economic expertise

China had a very strong vibrant economy when Xi came to power. Because Xi is a hard-core communist his focus is his own power consolidation and use of propaganda rather than economic reforms. China's economy is on a downhill spiral.
(21-08-2023, 03:16 AM)Oasis Wrote: [ -> ]China will never  win USA to be world power number 1.

China per capita GDP is one third of US and but its population much bigger.

Under good management China can easily surpass US GDP.

Tye forces in favor of this despite ageing population is

1. Urbanisation process that gives China baseline growth every year.

2. Upskilliingvin manufacturing to push up wages.

3. Service sector and consumption based growth.

Many of today's problem is due to self inflicted bad policies
They could have avoided and surpass US in coming years easily.
[Image: Screenshot-20230821-072832-Chrome.jpg]

According to this chap cheng and his disciples, china has already collapsed, still dreaming of becoming number 1?
(21-08-2023, 07:52 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote: [ -> ]

Ang mor laughing at amdk arse lickers stooge’s liao lah cheo kau peng

What this guy say has not that much to do with the malaise China is facing.

Their 2nd largest propeprty developer just collapsed, the CPI is negative in deflation, youth unemployment up, exports and imports down. All these are real and present problems

Se are linked to long term structural issues others are shorter term.

China economy had faced problems in the past and they overcome it ...however these series of problems is all the way from 2020 the property sector.    And the local govt debt which is also linked to property very old problem remains unsolved and deteriorated.
(21-08-2023, 06:55 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]China problems today self inflicted by Xi

1. ,zero covid policy devastated the economy.
2. Tech company crackdown destroyed hundreds of billions in value and growth.
3. Education sector crackdown wipe off entire private education sector with millions employed.
4. Anti spy law used to arrest business consulting fpreigjn company executives ..these companies collect data for foreign investors because china data is opaque.
5. Refusal to sigh trade deal with US after Li He negotiated a good deal. This deal is similar to the one US sign with Mexico. Now Mexico is US biggest trading partners.
6. Property sector mismanagement allowing bubble to grow too big then abruptly clamping down with 3 red lines.
7.  Belt and Road it cost China hundreds of billions as poor countries default.
8. "Common prosperity " concept caused many rich Chinese to shift money out to Singapore. They fear wealth confiscation under communists.

Next mistake is failure to take decisive actions at the very  onset of deflation. This is textbook classic error.  Reason is Xi surround himself with people without deep economic expertise

China had a very strong vibrant economy when Xi came to power. Because Xi is a hard-core communist his focus is his own power consolidation and use of propaganda rather than economic reforms. China's economy is on a downhill spiral.

You are so good ah?

Go and be Xi's advisor lor!  Rotfl

China bankrupt liao lah amdk arse lickers stooge’s day and night dreaming collapse liao lah but all your daddies starts going to China leh cheo kau peng hor
If you go by Western media reporting about China, everything is bad and sad. 
Go look for yourself. 
The airports, rail systems, the fast moving of AI, speaks for itself about China.
[Image: IMG-0454.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0308.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0258.jpg]
(21-08-2023, 06:02 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]How come you so scare?
Dont laugh. It is year 2043 lah. Rotfl
China is at Super Major 2 wave at the moment lah.
China is ok. China is Coming. China is not Russia. Angmo like to LAUGH at China.
(21-08-2023, 09:33 AM)CHAOS Wrote: [ -> ][Image: IMG-0454.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0308.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0258.jpg]
China had a very strong vibrant economy.
Angmo is ass-ing like Russia... crying Sick .
(21-08-2023, 11:17 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote: [ -> ]China had a very strong vibrant economy.
Angmo is ass-ing like Russia... crying Sick .
Sing China 5,000 years till now. Who is bully who's.
(21-08-2023, 11:17 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote: [ -> ]China had a very strong vibrant economy.
Angmo is ass-ing like Russia... crying Sick .

1.what you mean by strong economy?

2 An economy is either growing or not ..we use rate of growth to measure.

3. Based in current troubles China growth will slow and cannot catch up with the US.

GDP is not just manufacturing include services. US does not manufacture as much, but the service sector is massive and its consumer is strong. This means China growth will slow to below US and never surpass US.

Because Xi govt relationship with US and Europe is poor these high consumption countries will import from elsewhere like Mexico, Vietnam, and India. This will slow down China economy further as it depends on exports and external demand.

Western think tanks know China depends on west for export demand and just by importing from elsewhere they can keep China economy down.
(21-08-2023, 11:36 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]1.what you mean by strong economy?

2 An economy is either growing or not ..we use rate of growth to measure.

3. Based in current troubles China growth will slow and cannot catch up with the US.

GDP is not just manufacturing include services. US does not manufacture as much, but the service sector is massive and its consumer is strong. This means China growth will slow to below US and never surpass US.

Because Xi govt relationship with US and Europe is poor these high consumption countries will import from elsewhere like Mexico, Vietnam, and India. This will slow down China economy further as it depends on exports and external demand.

Western think tanks know China depends on west for export demand and just by importing from elsewhere they can keep China economy down.
Tat is why maybe Japan economy so good now. I think can buy Sony n SoftBank. 

China Xi only interested in power at the expense of the economy.
[Image: Screenshot-20230821-114136-Chrome.jpg]

Let it continue to be world number 1, why overtake?
(21-08-2023, 11:42 AM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]Tat is why maybe Japan economy so good now. I think can buy Sony n SoftBank. 

China Xi only interested in power at the expense of the economy.

Xi main focus is power consolidation and geo political games.
He is good at domestic power struggle and even making himself president for life 

When it comes to international geopolitics he does quite badly, causing all the adversarial countries to unite against him. For example Japan S.Korea and US are forming Asian NATO
Huh?so fast like the useless Fujian gang?
China GDP growth accelerates in the second quarter of 2023. China's GDP experienced a healthy growth rate of 5.5 percent year-on-year in the first half of 2023, one percentage point faster than the first quarter. Total GDP reached RMB 59.3 trillion (approx. US$8.3 trillion).

The NRF has forecast that US GDP growth will slow from almost 3 per cent in H2 2022 to 1 per cent in 2023.


Huat ah Assmerica!  Rotfl
China's economy expanded by 6.3% in the second quarter from a year earlier, fueled by recoveries in retail sales and the service sector, and partly thanks to a low base effect.

So low leh! Rotfl

KPMG has lowered China’s GDP growth forecast to 5.5% in 2023 and expect the economy to grow 5.2% in 2024.
(21-08-2023, 12:28 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]China's economy expanded by 6.3% in the second quarter from a year earlier, fueled by recoveries in retail sales and the service sector, and partly thanks to a low base effect.

So low leh! Rotfl

Sgbutt angry liao after this news Laughing
Why ermaos always worry about china overtaking assmarrycunt daddy? No more amk to suck?
SgFett's ancestor's must be very disappointed with this useless banana descendant which is a disgrace to the ancestors.   


野猫论政 925:华尔街日报 - 四十年经济奇迹结束后,中国的未来将何去何从
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