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Full Version: China : CCP fears collapse as mass resignations hit its ranks
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[Image: 32188054-8848987-Together-on-the-yacht-T...292000.jpg]

Amdk arse lickers stooge’s song song kau hor lan liao lah cheo kau peng
(21-08-2023, 06:03 PM)Omnipresent88 Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 32188054-8848987-Together-on-the-yacht-T...292000.jpg]

Amdk arse lickers stooge’s song song kau hor lan liao lah cheo kau peng

To Pukimak ahbutt the amdk arse lickers having fun hor cheo kau peng hor
Good news, hope CCPP collapse faster and go democratic like Taiwan, this world will be lot peaceful.
(27-10-2023, 08:58 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]Good news, hope CCPP collapse faster and go democratic like Taiwan, this world will be lot peaceful.

Like tw hv to lick assmarrycunt? Quite cia sway leh
(27-10-2023, 08:58 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]Good news, hope CCPP collapse faster and go democratic like Taiwan, this world will be lot peaceful.

Taiwan peaceful!? Confirmed you are US sia xuay ching chong!

Never witness Taiwan Parliament seating before ar? All ruffians and hooligans! More interested in cock-fighting each other like those Assmericunt Republicans and Democrats! Instead of addressing the needs of their citizens they bicker senselessly!

Have you been to Taipei Taichung Kaohsiung?! These cities are so backwards even KL overtakes them in terms of development!

Doubt you are Chinese otherwise you are a disgrace to the Chinese race - craving backwardness to progress, despising yourself thinking you are white but the whites see you as Sick Man of Asia! But can't blame the angmos! You deserve the accolade of Sick Man of Asia! Real disgrace!
(21-08-2023, 06:03 PM)Omnipresent88 Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 32188054-8848987-Together-on-the-yacht-T...292000.jpg]

Sgutt's "boyfriend "?  Thinking
[Image: 32188054-8848987-Together-on-the-yacht-T...292000.jpg]

Ahbutt pukimak not concerned about their arrests?
(27-10-2023, 08:58 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]Good news, hope CCPP collapse faster and go democratic like Taiwan, this world will be lot peaceful.
Who is involved in war all over the world from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Israel, etc?

No one sees China involved in any one of them.

Cult leader xi assassinated many of his ccp cultist like jiang, deng and li keqiang.

Many ccp cultists have no confidence in the failed cult leader xi and all want to escape from hellhole china now LOLOLOLOLOL!

Wumao sure not happy LOLOLOLOL! Tongue Tongue Tongue
(27-10-2023, 09:31 PM)sporeguy Wrote: [ -> ]Have you been to Taipei Taichung Kaohsiung?! These cities are so backwards even KL overtakes them in terms of development!

You should check before you post.  If you are comparing Taipei,  KaoShiung to KL.  Here is the 2023    GDP figures.  I have been to all the cities and also lived in KL.  Think KL's landscape has changed,  more skyscrapers but unfortunately,  the city planning is terrible.  Too many highways and elevated rail tracks crisscross the city,  destroying the city centre.

Kuala Lumpur
  GDP  USD58,8 billion
  GDP per capita  USD27,800
  GDP  USD 805 billion
  GDP per capita  USD 65,700
  GDP USD 90 billion
  GDP per capita USD 33,000
(27-10-2023, 09:31 PM)sporeguy Wrote: [ -> ]Taiwan peaceful!? Confirmed you are US sia xuay ching chong!

Never witness Taiwan Parliament seating before ar? All ruffians and hooligans! More interested in cock-fighting each other like those Assmericunt Republicans and Democrats! Instead of addressing the needs of their citizens they bicker senselessly!

Have you been to Taipei Taichung Kaohsiung?! These cities are so backwards even KL overtakes them in terms of development!

Doubt you are Chinese otherwise you are a disgrace to the Chinese race - craving backwardness to progress, despising yourself thinking you are white but the whites see you as Sick Man of Asia! But can't blame the angmos! You deserve the accolade of Sick Man of Asia! Real disgrace!

Quite backward. No or not much improvement over the last 20 yrs