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Full Version: Surprised my friend got buy LKY Coin
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I was ??? If he think buy in future will be worth more , he can stop dreaming...

What I know MAS come out this LKY coin is quite a lot .

So what it means? It means the value will not be here even you keep it for next 50 years or even 100 years.

UNLESS This LKY coin come in limited supply than its value will increase at least.
so what is face value and how much we paying

thought we are just paying for its face value
(21-08-2023, 06:37 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]I was ??? If he think buy in future will be worth more , he can stop dreaming...

What I know MAS come out this LKY coin is quite a lot .

So what it means? It means the value will not be here even you keep it for next 50 years or even 100 years.

UNLESS This LKY coin come in limited supply than its value will increase at least.

Can be used at hawker centre or not leh? Thinking