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Tan Kin Lian’s Daughter Calls Election Campaigning System ‘Unfair’, Claims Tharman Had Months To Prepare 

"In contrast, other truly independent candidates only have 3 days between when they know they qualify and when they can start their campaign to mobilise an islandwide campaign," she wrote.


anyone can share TLK daughter face pic ?
No wonder Tiko Lian is an insurance expert. Already bought insurance for an excuse if he does not win.
Come in to contest late with sdp and OA ( Lim Tean) support plus lack planning then want to cry victim wtf.

If got heart to vie for President & not last minute then decide, there is plenty of time to get prepare.

If George Goh not eligible then will submit application..... like that huh?
(24-08-2023, 09:14 PM)Sline Wrote: [ -> ]If got heart to vie for President & not last minute then decide, there is plenty of time to get prepare.

If George Goh not eligible then will submit application..... like that huh?

This so call 'sincere'
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