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One way to create change is to first test potential solutions on a smaller scale, he said. If it works, then the solution can be expanded. If it does not, one need not worry as the failure would become a learning experience.

“I've gone through many times in my life where the things I want to do fail at first. But that's no problem, because you can try again.”

Mr Tan's unsuccessful bid for the presidency in 2011 is one such example. He received the lowest vote share among the four candidates, of 4.9 per cent, and lost his deposit of S$48,000.

When TODAY asked him about the disparaging comments his family received back then and whether he fears it would happen again, he shifted his posture slightly before responding in an audibly hushed tone.

"They said harmful things, insulting things to me and also to my family. For me, I'm able to handle this. But for my family, they think that I should not take part in the contest because this problem will come back," he said.

By submitting his nomination papers on Tuesday, he acknowledged that has not heeded their suggestions.

But he reiterated, as he does on his daily walkabouts, that his current attempt at the presidency is borne out of a desire to give Singaporeans the option of voting for an "independent" candidate, and that he is confident he will not fail this time around.

It is with this mindset of perseverance, he said, that he plans to implement another one of his ideas if elected: To open up the Istana grounds on Saturday mornings for people to cycle in.

"Of course it's subject to security and other practical arrangements but I believe it can be done. If it really is creating more trouble than not, we can always stop it, but we can give it a try."
A gd example for those who weren't successful in early part of life.
(25-08-2023, 11:02 AM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]This stupid oppie scum

Is being used by PAP

To help Tharman win the PE

PAP knew this creepy pervert is backed by OPPIES

Who will split the oppies votes between him and NKS

Thereby ensuring victory for Tharman

Just like what tkl did in PE 2011

He helped PAP Tony Tan beat tan cheng bock, by a whisker

The oppie scums who voted for tkl self fcuked their own arsehole in PE 2011

They will self fcuk themselves again in this coming PE when they vote for tkl

To help PAP Tharman win

NKS cannot win because he has no poster.

officially, there are 2 posters on the street. TKL vs Tharman.

NKS will be like TKL in 2011.
(25-08-2023, 11:14 AM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]NKS is like tan cheng bock in PE 2011 but more qualified, more suitable as Singapore's next INDEPENDENT President
tkl is like tkl in PE 2011, he will get the least votes among the 3 candidates

you make 1 serious mistake.
NKS is not TCB because TCB does not support PAP and NKS supports PAP.

In 2011, most oppie supported TCB because TCB does not support PAP.
In 2023, most oppie will not support NKS because NKS supports PAP.

In 2023, TKL is the only candidate who does not support PAP.
TKL will be like TCB in 2011.

No oppie will vote for NKS because NKS supports PAP.

TCB - independent and does not support PAP.
TKL - independent and does not support PAP.
NKS - independent and supports PAP.
Tharman - not independent and supports PAP.
(25-08-2023, 11:46 AM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]You oppie scums, 10% of the 40% oppies are like you

They think tkl can win so they vote tkl to self fcuk their own arsehole

And help Tharman beat NKS

No need to argue, you just wait for the PE results

And suck my dick and swallow my semen

When you see tkl get the least votes

But his votes helped Tharman beat NKS

you vote for NKS because you want candidate to support PAP and independent.

TKL is TCB in 2023