SG Talk

Full Version: Proposed amendments to Woman's Charter to boost birth rate
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This Straits Times article reported a serious problem about increasing number of women who prefer to be child-free.
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ST CloseUp: Why some women choose to be childfree
Many of them face pressure, and are often labelled selfish or even unnatural for not wanting children.. Read more at
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It is their freedom to choose to be selfish to remain childless so that they can YOLO and enjoy life. However, due to the anti-social effects of their decision, our government should impose penalties on them.

I would like to make some suggestions to our wise government. First, start by amending the Woman's Charter.

Here are my suggestions;
- If husband divorces wife on grounds that she selfishly refuses to perform her womanly duty to become a factory to produce the next generation for the husband, she must pay the husband alimony and lose half of her assets as compensation.
- If the selfish wife refuses to have kids and the husband has to find a mistress to help him bear a child, then the wife gets NOTHING if she initiates a divorce on grounds of adultery. Cheating wife is of course bad but a wife who refuses to perform her basic duty of child-bearing deserves to get less justice.

With these amendments to Woman's Charter, I believe more selfish women will change their selfish attitudes toward child-bearing.

Any more suggestions? Please help Singapore come up with good ideas to bring our country forward.

Thank you.
change 10 times also no use.
sexual organs eggs and seeds tio
spike proteins tox.
First must remove gender equality...
This is one of main killer factors causing low birth rate.

男女是有别的, 这是上天注定的。
搞男女平等, 现在女人都不需要男人了。