SG Talk

Full Version: Tian Kor PE 2023 Electoral Tangki Trance
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I told u guys that my late granny was a home tangki, remember ? 

For over half a century, I watched from a kid and had learnt to communicate with the other realm. I am lucky to b afflicted with a divine illness and so I can easily get into dong dong cheng trance like her to communicate wisdom from the other dimension to help me solve any dilemma.

Here is what I got yesterday during the trance :

Current human being decided votes decision seen from the other dimension AS OF SUNDAY 27 AUGUST 2023 :

Tharman : 635,444 votes
TKL: 199,120 votes

NKS: 300,222 votes

Total undecided votes LEFT for all 3 candidates approx: 1,200,000 votes

As you can see,  Tharman is leading WAY WAY AHEAD of the other 2.

As for AH LIAN, our last hope.. I do not think he can overcome and win from the remaining 1 million plus highly educated and intellectual voters THIS IS BECAUSE HE KEEPS SABOTAGING HIMSELF ! Only yesterday, he go and tell everyone SG should go back to Appointed President....WTF...does he not know he just offended everyone Except his own supporters ? WHO THE F...k IS HIS ELECTION ADVICE TEAM ? 

Good luck everyone...looks like the RESULT IS SET ON STONE for Tharman with TKL keeps sabotaging himself.
TanKL really cannot make it la...i think Nathan not the image of President...bui bui slow slow steady type and eyes are healthy.