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Full Version: 20 PROOFS- Jac Fart King Foreigner, Always Wanted to Divide SG
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1. Because JAC LAU is a Traitor from Malaysia

His heart is with Malaysia all the time

When he was jobless, Malaysia sheltered him and took care of him for many years 

Not Singapore

New citizen sparks uproar as he says his heart belongs to China while holding up Singapore passport (
2. Malaysian like Jac will never defend nor Protect SG

His big EGO has never once shout to say he will bomb Malaysia to defend SG
3. JAC Lau= Fart King always remind us of his entitlement

to come here to rob the jobs and praise his own Foreign Gang 

to divide SG

[Image: FTs-create-jobs-for-FTs.png]
4. Jac Lau from Malaysia says more than 6 times he got FREE Housing

But none of us as born citizens got free Housing

To make us feel that PAP BETRAYED this Country and us

so that he can divide Singapore

[Image: free-public-housing-Jan-2023.png]
5 .He himself refused to do NS although he was jobless since 2004

But he pushed his dimwit son with IQ score of 30 to do NS

When his son cannot even be a cook in NS!

Internally, our Army is weaken so that Foreigners like Jac Lau can easily divide SG when there is a war

[Image: My-son-will-do-NS.png]
6. Jac is a Traitor of SG because

He needs PAP to protect him for breaking so many IRAS laws

so he must be a dog to PAP.

[Image: Malaysia-Condo.png]

(27-08-2023, 11:00 AM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Told you this sore loser tcb is a traitor

Out to divide Singaporeans 

Because he lost to Tony Tan in 2011 PE

And was denied the chance to compete in 2017 PE

Poor bastard has been living in pain, anger and bitterness

Holding a grudge against PAP
7. Jac always wanted to Divide SG

To cover his failure in his whole life with Fake antiques

so that we will be angry with PAP and not vote for PAP

Well Done, JAC LAU!

[Image: His-penthouse.png]
8. JAC LAU stirs alot of SAI

All senseless, not logical, nothing to substantiate

Which he himself said is to stir hatred amongst us

Well Done, Jac LAU.

[Image: CCB-stir-shit.gif]
9. Jac LAU calls Opposition scums

which includes Mr LKY who came from Opposition

The more he uses vulgarities and profanities,

the more we will have the angst to vote for Opposition

Thank You, JAC for your encouragement

(27-08-2023, 12:05 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]No young voters, no female voters

A gathering of oppie scums

The sore losers

There were more than 100K of them

Who made up the 4.91% who sucked tkl's dick in PE 2011

And fcuked tcb to lose by 0.35% to Tony Tan

Poor bastards!
10. The Malaysia & SG Traitor

love to lie all the time and refuse to know the reality in PE for each cycle

To Divide SG to serve Foreign Gang

May his god give Jac Lau greater "Chastisement" for his sins

(27-08-2023, 11:51 AM)Bluebull Wrote: [ -> ]Bastard dog, know your facts
TKL was the first to announce to run against Tony Tan
Then TCB entered the race there after
TJS was the last to enter
So if you got any brain, it was TJS who denied TCB, not TKL
Talk until saliva drops also never understand what’s happening
11. A Foreigner will support Foreign Policy
Because it is to his own advantage, not ours

His actions will further divide SG

(25-08-2023, 10:34 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Ladies and gentlemen


After tkl exposed his hatred for Singaporean wives

Not born in Singapore

My forecast for his votes has drop

From 17.5% +/- 2.5% initially

To below 10%

Song boh?
But Ah Jac is also reminding us local Sinkie if we dun stand together to unite as one, the country will be overrun by the likes of them.
(27-08-2023, 07:42 PM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]But Ah Jac is also reminding us local Sinkie if we dun stand together to unite as one, the country will be overrun by the likes of them.

The first few points above should make this Govt shiver. We cannot unite with so many favouritism shown to foreigners for so many years. Having said this, let the Govt do their own job and we will be able to do ours.
Jac Lau must lie to say his 1 page resume got him a Cleaner job

When none of us need to submit any resumes to be a cleaner

to get paid $6/ hr + CPF= $7.20

[Image: 1-page-resume-paying-7200.png]
12) Jac Lau himself once again he lied without substance
To divide SG

(17-09-2023, 05:26 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]SG/PAP Blessing No. 1:

A PMET job with CPF

Thanks to FTAs like CECA

Monthly pay $8K to 12K

If you are above 45

With at least 15 years working experience

Song boh?