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Full Version: Why can't the UN pressure US to stop behaving like a world bully?
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Why can't the UN pressure China to stop behaving like a world bully and stop threatening the neighbors with force? by Tony Tan
(04-11-2021, 09:10 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Why can't the UN pressure China to stop behaving like a world bully and stop threatening the neighbors with force? by Tony Tan

Because UN also can't pressure US to stop behaving like a world bully and invade countries with force..
[Image: A92-F9-CD9-68-EB-434-B-A7-C7-1-FDFDA88-EC99.png]
[Image: D60-BCD75-0-A7-A-49-F1-9649-5-A87771-C5576.png]
(04-11-2021, 09:17 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ][Image: D60-BCD75-0-A7-A-49-F1-9649-5-A87771-C5576.png]

Is the US amassing all that gold....? Thinking
India site.
It is like the white hooker US is to pressure UN to ask China to build a Chastity Arch for white hookers. lol
US dollar got power.
Can muscle its way. 
Wait for more countries to trade in RMB.
Slowly weaken them. 
5G, then 6G.. US cannot catch up... 
Step by step..