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Full Version: Female voters a lot vote PAP?
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actually in SG come gender I remember female population is actually more than men.

I see female most are pro pap like that. of course they are some no. Which here obviously Wendy is not Smile

come elderly , too but of course some elderly will not vote PAP.

In fact I do know some elderly ever since LKY days all along vote opposition till now.
I thought he should have 39% in his pocket with such a strong oppo show of faces which included

3. Goh Meng Seng
4.Lim Tean
5. HHH

Maybe he lost the women's votes in the 39% because of his objectification of wonen.

He further lost a few percentage points for his CCP and Putin comments.

The above supporters from various oppo failed to get him the throne. Not even when LHY posted on FB to say that Tharman would be mother of ownself check ownself.

Not even the smearing done to Tharman saying that he was a ceca supporter because he was a Tamil, and talking about his wife and the DNA of the whole Japanese peepur wielding samurai swords.

Not even the fear monger that the human bear would be displease with hosting our 1st lady to a dinner of mala xiangguo. 
Not even the smearing of NKS.

Not even the threads and posts by prolific oppo writers like Sgbuffet who campaigned for TKL in this forum on cooling day and polling day..

The voters included a lot of 1st time voters. You do know that they grew up in affluence, don't you?  You are deceiving yourself with a make believe that they can't find jobs because CECA stole them when the truth of the matter is that the median salary is close to $5000 a month, and those who stay at home without a job are the jiakliaobee kia. 

So you oppies kept screaming hardship! CECA! Collect cardboard! GST 9%! We need change!

Change to poverty meh.You are talking about poverty to a group of voters, a generation of youths who grew up in affluence, and telling them that PAP didn't look after them? 

Over to you, Observer. Rolleyes
What you say seems to trigger my observation. My sister and my mother are inclined towards Tharman.
I think the ong lai symbol is an good choice, heng ong huat ah !
Tall and black, probably long too. What do you think?