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Full Version: Who to believe?
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mRNA founder says it's product is useless for Covid.

Regeneron founder says it's product is useful for unvaccinated and vaccinated.
mRNA inventor says young adults shouldn't have to get COVID vaccine
(06-11-2021, 10:24 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]mRNA inventor says young adults shouldn't have to get COVID vaccine

Why there is no transparency of the mRNA vaccine that had been rolled out, human live are at stake... Angry
Malon is not the inventor of mRNA. He was involved in the initial mRNA research. It was a discovery. But some other people invented a way to make a vaccine out of mRNA.

No need to believe anyone. Just believe yourself. Your own immunity is most important.

We may (or may not ) know the real danger of mRNA until years later, anyway. Trust your own instinct. For me, it is clear.... avoid mRNA like a cobra in a dark lane.
More likely, it is a precision vaccine that is developed before Delta is around.
(06-11-2021, 10:40 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]More likely, it is a precision vaccine that is developed before Delta is around.

No wonder it is not effective in combating Covid-19 of Delta strain..... crying