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half of HK under flood, dont think monday got trading also.. jiat lat, i think stock may tank when trading start.
heresay storm heading for China to make china economic woe worse..

what say u????
will this happen to spore????

God bless sillypore not under water...

but haze coming soon,,, thick one folk, go buy mask now to stand by, plus heavy rain,,,
(09-09-2023, 10:41 PM)Omnipresent88 Wrote: [ -> ]Expert Tom dick and Harry guessing liao lah

OK,, i will change my name to harry dicker tommy Tan lah...

i say sillypore one day sure kana toto.. 

not all smooth sailing lah.. dont need to guess., it will happen. just a matter of time.

only we dont know what cirses???
(09-09-2023, 11:24 PM)Omnipresent88 Wrote: [ -> ]Sia suay tan

arigato , sia sia. terima kasih..

i love the title..

so today start i will call myself sia suay tan.. 

how to change my profitle here. wait i go check it out.
(09-09-2023, 10:39 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]will this happen to spore????
A matter of time
HONG KONG: Hong Kong’s heaviest rainstorm since records began in 1884 flooded the financial hub’s streets and sent torrents of water rushing through subway stations, bringing much of the city to a standstill and forcing the stock market to scrap trading.

The downpour, which caught many residents off guard and came just a week after a super typhoon shut the city, caused the observatory to raise its highest rainstorm alert.