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Full Version: Couple demanded a 13 hrs flight refund, seated beside a farting dog.
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Saw this news and emotional dog is different from those assisting dog it seems. Anyway SIA disallow such dogs onboard already.
(10-09-2023, 11:37 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Saw this news and emotional dog is different from those assisting dog it seems. Anyway SIA disallow such dogs onboard already.

no  more
With effect from 1 April 2023 (0000hrs SGT), Singapore Airlines no longer allows customers to travel with their emotional support dogs on board flights.

In Singapore, emotional support dogs are not recognised as assistance dogs.

According to the Animal and Veterinary Service's (AVS) website, emotional support animals that do not have the required training by Assistance Dogs International (ADI) or the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) will not qualify as assistance dogs.
one blogger/influenza recently came back from more than 6 mths in europe with her dog.
not sure if the dog is emotional support or not...

[Image: 7qU5Cnl.jpg]
Adorable Bichon. Rotfl
I have a Bichon Frise too.
Sg is not dog friendly country lah.

Not all dogs will bite except mad dog which has poor upbringing.
Dogs like to be sayang.

Dont anyhow dump your litter on the floor. The animals like cats and dogs may accidentally consume it.
Dont create bad karma for yourself.