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Full Version: F1 is not environmentally friendly. Why Spore govt allow?
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To attract tourists and make money…MBS hotel is full booked
(17-09-2023, 08:20 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]To attract tourists and make money…MBS hotel is full booked

The winner is OBS himself. Behind

MBS is another story.

the ruling party aka pap


air pollution
noise pollution

so long these pollutions benefit them but hurt the others
don't give a F

in short

attempt to climate change in singapore

is a straight bullcrapz

Because disGrace Foo is a famous Hypocrite in Singapore
becos OBS get to bang all the F1 model hot babe
(17-09-2023, 08:20 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]To attract tourists and make money…MBS hotel is full booked

no................becoz Pinky wanna leave his legacy let Sinkies remember.................. cove................Pinky make S'pore like Monaco.............
double standard. use plastic bag we need to pay, then the F1 tire that emit the dangerous fume how, ok is it. also damage environment too. must ban F1 also.
It is zero carbon
So far Mainstream media keep repeat F1 bring business to Hotels, retail , F&B blah blah

every year come Sept you can expect them keep mention the same old thing.

BUT End of the day who benefit THE MOST go inside their pockets ?? and how much so call " publicly boast our Public funds thus benefit to every singaporeans ?

No body will tell
And they want to charge 5cts per plastic bag Laughing
One country two systems. Never hear of that?
Do you think they would have acted so fast if not for Wang Sa’s visit? 

Sure the Ridout minister said they have done prior investigations and checks on the money laundering and all that, but all these will be kept quiet until the opportune moment. Because it is lucrative for Singapore.

Think of the exposé on Leon and Nicole Seah. Mere coincidence? Big Grin