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Full Version: Story of an iron teeth woman
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A flood overwhelms a fishing village, and all the villagers climb onto the roofs of their homes. Fishermen come in their boats to ferry them 1 by 1 away to safety.

But a woman refuses to get into a boat.

"Come on! No time liao!" cries the fisherman.

"Sorry, no way!" the woman shouts back. "And you can't make me! This is my choice!"

"Auntie, what you have against boats ah?" asks the fisherman.

"Dun make me out to be some anti-boat lunatic," the woman warns. "I'm just not a boat person. I've been on a cruise before, OK. But I'm not getting into THAT."

"What's wrong with this?" asks the fisherman, looking at his boat.

"Fishing boats aren't reliable. Got stories of them capsizing and people falling over. Also, your boat is made of wood, so who knows if the floor will rot midway to wherever we're going? I will drown!"

"Auntie," says the fisherman. "Other fishermen and I have already ferried many, including your neighbours, to dry land. Nothing to fear lah."

"No! I might consider if yours were a deck boat or even a banana boat. (I like banana boats.) But it isn't. Anyway, today is Tuesday, and on some Tuesdays got a helicopter fly by. I might also be so lucky as to spot a yacht sail past. So thanks but no thanks - I will wait."

"Wait for what? I can save you right now!" screams the fisherman. "We know for sure your level of help won't come in time or may neh come. That's why the village elders sent us fishermen to do this!"

Now the woman is angry. "Village elders! Who are these village elders? Why dun we villagers get to say how WE wish to be transported? You go tell these village elders we want our views to be respected and represented!"

At some point, the fisherman gives up and sails off to help others.

The flood continues to rise. Laughing
Vaccination rate will go up... LHL has made a personal persuasion  Laughing