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Full Version: Why electric cars threaten to upend the US election
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James Titcomb
Wed, 20 September 2023 at 7:00 pm SGT

Joe Biden has called himself the “most pro-union president in American history”. He has also staked his political legacy on ushering in a clean energy revolution driven by the shift away from the internal combustion engine and towards electric cars.

Those two goals are now in stark conflict amid a historic strike at America’s biggest carmakers.


the generational shift to electric cars championed by Biden is a threat to their livelihoods.

The strike now threatens to become a political quandary for Biden


electric vehicles require 40pc less time to assemble their drivetrains, including batteries, motors and transmission, when compared to making a combustion car with an engine.

Carmaking is also becoming more automated in general


Each new product line brings a more efficient process, more robots and fewer car-building jobs.


Plenty of parts in petrol and diesel cars simply are not replicated in electric vehicles, and the jobs making these parts or fitting them to a car, will go.


The political stakes are high for Biden. America’s carmaking industry is concentrated in a handful of states that are likely to be decisive in determining who wins next year’s election, in particular Michigan, won by Biden in 2020 and by Donald Trump in 2016.