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Problem started right after the British colonialist exit South Asia in 1947 which quickly led to partition of the former British India into 3 a confused mess..All along the lines of race, language and religion...

Now increasing Sikh movement in Punjab to become independent.

[Image: 1200px-Partition_of_India_1947_en.svg.png]

India is not a country but a union of dozens of small nations
(21-09-2023, 08:10 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]India is not a country but a union of dozens of small nations

...those aren't even nations or a state...more like smaller kingdoms, sultanates and tribes.
"india" exist thanks to AMTK colonistation of  over 200 years...and taught them about discrimination and preliveages..

Basically this means India has a long history of Rojak rulers, empire and conquest of countless creeds and faiths
For e.g. its capital New Delhi name came from a Dehli Islamic sultanate before taken over by Mughal...a relatively more open Islamic empire similar to Ottoman - both under Sunni Muslim rulers and became powerful empires thanks to a Chinese technology - the Gun Powder.

[Image: main-qimg-37828d973b5c37a55c9dd8d74668acaf-lq]
lai liao lai liao...Modi not happy with Sikh for stirring sh!t that has been mounting in the "World's largest democracy"...

Now, even AMTK dream of a "friendly and nice" India kenna popped. Big Grin
India is a fugging theoracacy disguised as a so called democratic country.
If punjab becomes independent, kashmir will be separated from India geographically. Double blows for modi India.
(25-09-2023, 11:31 AM)Bigbluedot Wrote: [ -> ]If punjab becomes independent,  kashmir will be separated from India geographically. Double blows for modi India.

This is one of several territorial dispute India has with Pakistan and China over Kashmir and Jammu region where Punjab is...All thanks to the British legacy it left behind since 1947. History has shown where ever AMTK goes...they tend to leave a LOT of problems behind be it in the last 500 years or the last 50 years..

One of the legacy we see today is even the Indians cannot get along with other "Indians"...and they now wanna change the country name to "Bharat" which simply trigger even more problems  Rolleyes

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRC7RfAuvSWuq3ek8WlwFk...A&usqp=CAU]

[Image: partition-of-india.jpg]
Actually most ppl dun really care. It's like that roo which keeps telling ppl he's a hen, not a chicken. One day must castrate it so it's no more a cock.
not correct
5-eyes vs inDia
I may be wrong but I noticed that Singhs have high pitched and shrill voices. Not all of course, but I came across quite a few.

Any observations?
(25-09-2023, 02:36 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]I may be wrong but I noticed that Singhs have high pitched and shrill voices. Not all of course, but I came across quite a few.

Any observations?

Perhaps Sikh relatively larger size contrast with the higher pitch voice...

Neverthless, the racial and tribal violence and tension within India has gone international after the killing of a Sikh Canadian...

Modi certainly did not expect this can spoil his hard-earned image after the G20 summit so soon after...
The South Asian not happy not able to join western spy gang of Five Eyes...So what India is a "Democracy" ?
Mean while US keeps quiet over the continue row between Canada and India. 

Big Grin

The question is why did the US pass on information of an ‘Indian hand’ in the Nijjar killing especially in the backdrop of very close and growing India-US bilateral ties with India being looked upon as US’ counterweight in the Indo-Pacific to check on China’s spreading influence?  Is it because the US wants to maintain the ‘Five Eyes’ as a purely Anglo-Saxon preserve?
Smile best they have massive internal war within themselves as usual.

Benefit for China even USA too.
(09-10-2023, 06:10 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Smile best they have massive internal war within themselves as usual.

Benefit for China even USA too.

You don't know meh???  

The Indians had been fighting and killing each other since 1st day of Independence in 1947 after the +300 years of colonisation under the English-speaking Angmoh master left...

[Image: a0nwzlth6zh91.jpg]
Some Sikhs have very high pitched sounding voices like girls.
(24-12-2023, 05:09 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Some Sikhs have very high pitched sounding voices like girls.

...and you will be surprised Sikh can be very vocal when comes to fighting for independence from India...

Their voice has suddenly become high and loud that Biden avoid meeting Modi after a Canandian Sikh was allegedly assassinated on the order of the Indian gov.

[Image: image.jpg]
(24-12-2023, 05:33 PM)Manthink Wrote: [ -> ]...and you will be surprised Sikh can be very vocal when comes to fighting for independence from India...

Their voice has suddenly become high and loud that Biden avoid meeting Modi after a Canandian Sikh was allegedly assassinated on the order of the Indian gov.

[Image: image.jpg]

I thought their high pitched voices was because somebody grab them by the balls Big Grin
(24-12-2023, 05:39 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]I thought their high pitched voices was because somebody grab them by the balls Big Grin

You will be surprised Sikhs have enough balls to demand seperatism....even when Indian killers are after them Big Grin