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Full Version: Bull trap.. dont buy any rally.
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U.S. dollar heads for first ‘golden cross’ since July 2021, signaling more trouble for stocks ahead
there u see lau hong liao, i early tell my buddies dont buy, he go buy MSFT and SQ

i wait microsoft become softer than i buy..i dont like SQ,,dont like the business and fundamental as well..

I will wait for GOOG AAPL n Azmn and Meta. GLTA
Next year, sibeh jialat.
Who is going to fund big US spending?
US bond yield is going to spike through the roof. Rotfl

As long as China did not cut in currency control. (Force USD holders to change their USD into RMB currency)
Dont need to bother too much on recent RMB fluctuation. The financial war is still ongoing fighting. What China needs is time at the moment?