SG Talk

Full Version: OMG This " Mystery guy ' is Freaking rich with Exotic Cars
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Really in SG got " Hidden MORE Ultra rich with not just one or two super cars is Exotic ONES "

The first part show is a guy collect EVO cars in SG

the last part " the mystery guy "

Some comments
" LTA made so much money from Larry it might list him in its balance sheet. "

" Wonder the mysterious owner is it 1 of those who were arrested for money laundering. Just wondering. "

" i wanna know what they all do for a living to afford all this lmao "

" Utmost Respect to all this humble breed of car enthusiast who’s willing to invest tons of money in living their passion , esp so when it’s happening in Singapore , world priciest car ever . "

Actually in this video are the HUMBLE SUPER CAR Owners REAL ULTRA RICH NEVER SHOW OFF
Any sgtalker kor kor know this mysterious guy ?