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Full Version: These people earn money for doing nothing
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You always see them playing with tigers, lions and bears?
It is not possible to do nothing unless you are dead. Even right now, I am doing something typing this.
Lucky to born there loh
No kpkb no blame on the 70%
In Dubai Arabs do nothing and enjoy life, 80% population are  foreign workers who are doing all the work.
Yeah, seeing some people seemingly earning money with no effort can be frustrating. However, it's essential to remember that opportunities vary, and what might seem like "doing nothing" often involves behind-the-scenes work or unique circumstances, which is the case there.  If you're interested in exploring fun ways to earn extra income, you might want to check out apps that pay you to play games! They can be a nice way to make some extra cash while enjoying your downtime.
(08-10-2023, 10:43 PM)Nickdownu Wrote: [ -> ]I get where you're coming from, and it can be frustrating to see some people seemingly earning money effortlessly. However, it's essential to remember that opportunities vary, and what might seem like "doing nothing" often involves behind-the-scenes work or unique circumstances.

You are wrong…not talking about these people who make big money with less effort around the world but rich & lazy Arabs in Middle East, who have tons of money and no need to make effort to work and earn money like us. In Dubai while 90% population are FTs and FWs, locals are very rich and high up, they do nothing yet enjoy life and foreigners work hard yet earn very little.
(08-10-2023, 11:35 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]You are wrong…not talking about these people who make big money with less effort around the world but rich & lazy Arabs in Middle East, who has tons of money and no need to make effort to work and earn money like us. In Dubai while 90% population are FTs and FWs, locals are very rich and high up, they do nothing yet enjoy life and foreigners work hard yet earn very little.

Now there , luxury car, super car is nothing for them. So how to show off? Bid the car plate. Some car plate the value is more than one luxury or supercar price.
[[ForeverAlone]] dateline='[url=tel:1696779744' Wrote: [ -> ]1696779744[/url]']

Now there , luxury car, super car is nothing for them. So how to show off? Bid the car plate. Some car plate the value is more than one luxury or supercar price.

Instead of asking how to make more money Arabs ask how to spend their money.