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Full Version: Apple considered replacing Google search engine with DuckDuckGo
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[Image: Screenshot-2023-10-06-at-18-15-00-Scams-...arches.png]
dat not the way
only tunneling from one pt to another
or among pts can help abit.
outside tunneling DARK.
not easy to keep the dark away
singlion uses devdom with filterings
swap and swapiness tuning number 10 normal 60 not use only ram 0 0r 1
after filterins increase speed fast in fast out.
devdom= delopemt domains withtunneling tech
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-10-06-18-29-25.png]
devdom domains of cos cannot see
the rest beri large numbers Here show some
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-10-06-18-32-09.png]
also good , google is abuse it position as search engine.

i heard apple rumours they intend to come out their search engine.
singlion also use other technique
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-10-06-18-46-39.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-10-06-18-47-12.png]
rest now
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-10-06-19-08-07.png]