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Full Version: new COVID-19 wave, more people expected to fall sick in coming weeks: Ong Ye Kung
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(06-10-2023, 06:11 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]

Start circuit breaker lah! Big Grin Lockdown whole Singapore lah!
Crocodile tears again

If he really cares for the people, he would have encouraged companies

to arrange office workers to work extra 1 day per week at home
bloody fool idiot
MOH says people no pakED 5Xlikely to be ill in the past year
singlion No-pakD everyday no angangchengcheng tengkuakua
beri-old 72 no maid nothing no work see sky no exercise no mask on
the first to remove when got chance kena drees down by ahpeks
u no scare nevermind u should care for family.
now most no mask yet noMask-gege tio fine given time to pay up at first wanted to jail her.
(06-10-2023, 07:12 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Start circuit breaker lah! Big Grin Lockdown whole Singapore lah!

gd lockdown again
then everything will also come down
street n roads will be less congested air is fresher
singlion sees COEs go up but roads empty how cum
remember singlion is a bum does nothing except observing everything
Covid please come. Close shop. Work in vaccine center.
hopefully the 61% suffer most
and best died outta it

especially the contractors the rsaf

and those who contribute to the noise & infestation
Some of my colleagues sick but tested negative … I think ART cannot detect liow
MOH like selling koyo says vaccinations wane after one yr.
old needs to chiong vulnerabled grp.
we care for u ur safety
wua now infront of me got nurse in green uniform toking CNA with scope like doctor.
loo beri well fed
Our expert said we are lucky to have chosen the most effective vaccine, mRNA with the efficacy of XX%. Is it over 90%? We believe the effectiveness can last more than 16 months.
nightmares have began
(06-10-2023, 09:22 PM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]gd lockdown again
then everything will also come down
street n roads will be less congested air is fresher

I still remember all rushing to NTUC and ShengSiong to stockpile on toilet papers lah! Big Grin Then only 1 person at home could go out to buy food lah! All other shops must shut down lah!
(07-10-2023, 09:46 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]I still remember all rushing to NTUC and ShengSiong to stockpile on toilet papers lah! Big Grin Then only 1 person at home could go out to buy food lah! All other shops must shut down lah!
No more cb liao 
No more wearing masks 
No more token
No more distancing
But still got badge woman
(06-10-2023, 10:05 PM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]Some of my colleagues sick but tested negative … I think ART cannot detect liow

The numbers could be many folds higher than reported.
Can try these to reduce chances of infection
HOW-lum-BIN lailiao
Hmmm weird health minister. Always expecting people to sick
New china Covid wave here again
Till now I still never get inflected partly whenever I outside will wear mask.

I will wear till all my masked used up should just nice come 2025 whereby Covi19 vibriants no more.
(07-10-2023, 03:01 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Till now I still never get inflected partly whenever I outside will wear mask.

I will wear till all my masked used up should just nice come 2025 whereby Covi19 vibriants no more.

Really? So strong? 
Think if you kena you will just keep quiet and won't post here. 

Why you have so many masks ? Can last until 2025??
yalo howCum?
gang of want PeopleTogetSic correct?
not scientism
lots no maks going to cinSan bericlose for hrs lineup
but Ong shout fire Up to good
(07-10-2023, 03:05 PM)hansamu Wrote: [ -> ]Really? So strong? 
Think if you kena you will just keep quiet and won't post here. 

Why you have so many masks ? Can last until 2025??

Smile Real , I swear. Ever since Covi19 start last 3 years back till now I still never get infected. My relatives some got inflected before me and my parents never.

I already say , partly we wear mask whenever outside every since Covi19 start.

I still got a lot mask maybe can last early till next year or later 2025.

Maybe my parents gene is strong so my too.

Surely there are people like me never get inflected before out there.
gotLah singlion no pakED no mask
can volunter to receive blowinto nose
for a sum of mony
(07-10-2023, 10:01 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]No more cb liao 
No more wearing masks 
No more token
No more distancing
But still got badge woman

We did it before and we can do it again lah! Big Grin
Nethanyahu loos worried beri thin as Hamas attacks
Palestinians are now celebrating HAMAS SUCCESS
greeting HAMAS militants with much Love.
Hundreds hurt in Tel AVIV as Isreal calls up reservists.
HAMAS r now in Isreal
Nethanyahu vows HAMAS will pay a heavy price as explosions occurred.
(07-10-2023, 12:27 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]The numbers could be many folds higher than reported.

I think we pass the peak. How do the authorities know? They get data from hospitals and clinics … meanings the infections already happened
Isreali tank captured
IAF pound Hamas commands
HAMAS might be abled to seize Isreali troops.
2 prone attacks rockets and infiltrations.
Egypt in contact with HAMAS and Isreal
State of EMERGENCY in all Isreali territories.
westernfront condemns HAMAS
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