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Full Version: Country where poor scavenge for food in dumpster - which country..and why
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When you design a country for the rich to benefit them by subsidising them with low taxes ordinary people suffer. I don't have to tell you how much you are suffering from food, utilities GST, transport and housing increase, you know this yourself.

2 face politicians claim they want to help you with cost increase but import people to push population to record levels. Let me ask you what js the impact of expanding population on a small island at this type of pace? It pushes cost of  every thing up because demand increases. Yet the 2 face politicians  claims he is there to help with the cost increase. He is the one causing it!!!

We are fools time again to entrust them to improve our lives. Maybe for most of us things are still not so bad yet. But don't only think of yourself and your own family, what about others who suffer more ...and have fallen to hard times due to all these bad policies.

It is terrible how a class of elites who benefitted themselves using this system can inflict so much pain on ordinary folks while claiming to look after their interest.  They look out for your interest from super homes at Ridout Road ...but they live too deep in to see the reality on the ground. 

Instead of surrounding yourself with pineapple trees, go and find out. It is sad to see poverty rising every year ....
(08-10-2023, 10:41 AM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]She accidentally dropped her diamond  ring. 
Looking everywhere for it. 
What we see may not be what it is.
70% support PAP.
70% is the root cause
You're assuming she's poor and scavenging food from dumpsters?