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Ang mo surprise , happy SG is open.
No point u have a fit body. But mind is sick. 
Like some of u here. Always want to win n egoistic. 

We become physically fit but mentally unsound. 

Fitness should be both. Physically n mentally. 

Btw. Mental illnesses is on the rise n Govt intend to build more institution to meet the demand. I read that recently in CNA. 

Falun cultivate both body n mind. As for the cult part. I got to go go there n see fr myself. I don’t want to read n hearsay. Experience is the best. 

Maybe MHA got brain wash by them n thus allow them to be in spore. I will find out soon. Hope I don kana scam. Wish me luck.
It'd be gd if you join and share yr experience here.

Some already joined but dun share, make it very secretive
(10-10-2023, 06:18 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]No point u have a fit body. But mind is sick. 
Like some of u here. Always want to win n egoistic. 

We become physically fit but mentally unsound. 

Fitness should be both. Physically n mentally. 

Btw. Mental illnesses is on the rise n Govt intend to build more institution to meet the demand. I read that recently in CNA. 

Falun cultivate both body n mind. As for the cult part. I got to go go there n see fr myself. I don’t want to read n hearsay. Experience is the best. 

Maybe MHA got brain wash by them n thus allow them to be in spore. I will find out soon. Hope I don kana scam. Wish me luck.

Smile Let me tell u why they are Legit register in SG.
Origin, during LKY days they are register Legit in SG later who knows they also anti CCP etc stuff due to june 4 incident.

Than our Govt set a " special regulation on them " despite already been register legit in SG.
Is that they cannot talk about Politics.
(10-10-2023, 06:24 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Smile Let me tell u why they are Legit register in SG.
Origin, during LKY days they are register Legit in SG later who knows they also anti CCP etc stuff due to june 4 incident.

Than our Govt set a " special regulation on them " despite already been register legit in SG.
Is that they cannot talk about Politics.

Practise qigong why get involved in politics? Kena used by anti china haters
(10-10-2023, 06:53 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Practise qigong why get involved in politics? Kena used by anti china haters

I don't know rah since I never join. This is what I heard from others.