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Full Version: facebook on desktop is down?
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I check with overseas and locals some claim yea can't load Facebook via desktop
mobile side still ok.
(14-10-2023, 04:15 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]I check with overseas and locals some claim yea can't load Facebook via desktop
mobile side still ok.

i ok leh
(14-10-2023, 05:38 PM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote: [ -> ]i ok leh

is just now, now seem ok
my fb account has been locked

thatmeans got massive ddos attack

that means the white hats are attcking the illuminati
fb, watsapp belong to illuminati mah

fb messages says

singaporean1964, your account has been locked
We saw unusual activity on your account. This may mean that someone has used your account without your knowledge.
Account locked October 14, 2023
To protect you, your profile is not visible to people on Facebook and you can't use your account.
We'll take you through some steps to unlock your account.
my RedOne affected calls and SMS down..................