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Full Version: GAZA: 'Guarantor countries' formula that Turkey offered
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in his statement in North Korea, stated that Turkey is ready to discuss the 'guarantor countries' formula offered for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and announced that Moscow and Ankara are in contact on this issue.

-We suggest that the countries that will be guarantors to the Palestinian side must be from the region. This includes Türkiye.

-Other countries should be guarantors for Israel.

-After reaching an agreement that both parties agree on, the guarantor countries should assume responsibility for fulfilling its requirements.
If US is not part of the country consulted for such agreement I am quite sure US will reject and hence Israel will reject. Basically US say yes Israel say yes. So any new arrangement must involve US and get their approval before announcing. Israel is US dog so US say yes means they say yes.
Clapping Sounds good