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Full Version: Gurkkas are fighting on both Ukraine and Russian side of war
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Putin is seen accompanied by officers carrying nuclear briefcases
Putin taking no chances
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-10-21-13-15-50.png]
China is beri happy with the nuclear briefcases in China
It's a bad thing to threaten global destruction ....

Even if you are a US hater you shouldn't be happy with this.

If you fight a war ...lose or win ....don't need to threaten the rest of the world.

This war is putin own doing
dat wat hapan when u threaten the Bear.
U can hit first.
She big enough to take a few shots.
Gurkhas also guard the dead queen Burbinham palace all boarded up
Not all Nepalis are Gurkhas.
Hamas goodwill releases
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-10-21-14-34-42.png]