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Full Version: wow China INSANE Plan For Israel and Hamas
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That's what China wants the world to hear but in reality I think they hope the conflict never ends as US will then be too busy to disturb them.
China now got Putin nuclear button supports not that China don't has 2 r better than 1.
Both know abt Militant Islam in the former Yugoslavia made by CIA.
Both yawning and waiting.
Bear is Big can withstand a few nuclear shots
and then Bear will return Fires. 4000+ more than enough.
(21-10-2023, 02:42 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]

many many don't get it
Putin 's men carried nuclear briefcases into China?
so rude?
no no no
Putin says Brother " I have you covered"
at the same time strategic bombers flew into Japan sea.