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Full Version: UN: The long-standing conflict between Palestine and Israel must have a solution
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United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres affirmed today, Saturday, that the Palestinian issue is a just and legitimate issue. 

He added, "The long-standing conflict between Palestine and Israel must have a solution based on lasting peace.

In turn, the President of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides, stressed the need to deal with the crisis and end it immediately, noting that the right to self-defense must be in line with international laws and civilians, their lives, and infrastructure must be protected.

He stressed the need to stop this war and provide the appropriate climate to achieve peace, expressing his country's support for the two-state solution.

The President of Cyprus stressed that the absence of political solutions to the basic causes of the conflict means prolonging the crisis, stressing the necessity of dealing in accordance with common borders and rules to resolve this.

Singapore leaders can invite and offer both Israel and Palestine to come to Singapore to hold their talks in Shangrila .

Most welcome buddy 🙏