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Full Version: Denmark canceled VTL with Singapore
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OYK wtf.
Unique approach?

[Image: Screenshot-2021-10-19-11-32-13-76-5fb1df...945712.jpg]
Ok la...not many ppl go denmark also..there got what?

Go thailand not bad liao.
Setting a precedent?
(11-11-2021, 05:14 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Ok la...not many ppl go denmark also..there got what?

Go thailand not bad liao.
I been to Denmark. Very beautiful with lots of sceneries, unique statutes and buildings.
This is a slap on our face on the so call endemic..

You want to let people travel in and out, but can't control our domestic cases..

When times are good for Singapore (in term of COVID cases), you banned people from coming in, now you are in deep shit, why would people still want to do VTL with you, unless Malaysia..
i think can charge our gov if their citizen contract covid. and minister have to compensate with their own salary for it.

Singapore businesses brace for more EU COVID-19 border restrictions
WE copy the same strategy like India.

Now, we kena Special Treatment like India.
Hahahahaha Big Grin
other minister so wise. why our highly paid minister cannot even compare with ordinary citizen. shame for whole world to witness. want to infects other country after they done well and controlled the pandemic. our fail containment is our fault. we do not have a good minister on board.
(14-11-2021, 03:51 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

Singapore businesses brace for more EU COVID-19 border restrictions

good news for OYK and team
The world should tell Singapore to keep social distancing and be isolated. 

Singapore is dangerous
(14-11-2021, 07:29 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]The world should tell Singapore to keep social distancing and be isolated. 

Singapore is dangerous

Hello, Alex Tan!  Laughter-144

You should ask your beloved Scott Morrison to be smarter in handling China issues! Singapore is none of your business now!  Laughing
Soon no country will wanna VTL with us. What a shame.
(14-11-2021, 08:27 PM)freeman88 Wrote: [ -> ]Soon no country will wanna VTL with us. What a shame.

Yes., what a shame, how did we get into such a shit.....? crying