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Full Version: China Economy : Property woes and another mistake - EV over capacity..
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Looks like they are compounding mistakes and worsening situation.

They over invest in EV just like the did in property ....yet another mistake.
I received news China cornered the BATT market
(24-10-2023, 04:58 PM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]I received news China cornered the BATT market

Over produce....both Eav and battery.

Whole thing going to drive down to negative margins and losses.

Tesla will be dragged.
China so bad, made so many mistakes one after another.

They din engage ahbutt as their advisor really a big mistake
(24-10-2023, 05:01 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Over produce....both Eav and battery.

Whole thing going to drive down to negative margins and losses.

Tesla will be dragged.
TSLA chART LOOK stop 205/192
Third world china really fail in everything LOL!

All their industries are failing and collapsing. What a gigantic failure.

ccp cult is the most incompetent in the world.