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Full Version: My Uncle just now tell me TGIF this week drink LOUIS XIII
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as he just buy again since we drank finish in few session.
Can u meet other people other than unker?
(11-11-2021, 07:05 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]as he just buy again since we drank finish in few session.

Wow, from beer to hard liquor, upgraded so fast.... Clapping
Your uncle trying to get you drunk? Be careful to drink in moderation. Don’t overload and damage your kidneys.
(11-11-2021, 07:39 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Your uncle trying to get you drunk? Be careful to drink in moderation. Don’t overload and damage your kidneys.

The hard liquor is Louis XIII, but which year does it come from...? Thinking
Later wake up intoxicated with torn underwear n nylon ropes beside bed? Chest feel compressed?
i suspect u are an AI robot (npc NON PLAYER CHARACTER)
u have very few programs installed..few 'subroutines'
main programing is pretend to be a working class human
and program is interact with uncle as a fake social life
anything outside is 'error' does not compute

these pple according to dolores cannon are 'background' pple or carboard pple
they are used to 'fill-in' the current reality
much like in the matrix movie
someone inserted a lady in a red dress into the matrix