SG Talk

Full Version: 3yrs ago this PBS Documentary : "Netanyahu at War"
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It dwells into into the mindset of Netanyahu and his disagreement with Obama especially on the deal with Iran.

Unfortunately Hillary Clinton lost, Trump shredded the deal with Iran ...and send his inexperienced son in law to broker deals that endanger and destabilised the middle east leading to the current situation.

The Obama iran deal was a very wise move to shift the whole middle east to a more stable state by re engaging Iran and eventually finding a settlement for Palestianians.

Obama understood that no matter what Iran will be around and you need to deal with them. The composition of Iranian society has a large segment of progressive and young people seeking economic opportunities. While ruled by clerics, they van be gradually shifted to be a more moderate state.

Trump came in and wanted to treat Iran as enemy and played to the tune of Israeli right wing closing the eyes to illegal settlements on west bank and gaza. He allowed Israel to escalate and tensions to rise. Worse still he send his son in law to create deals that would provoke Iran and increase the odds of war.

Today we are seeing impending disaster of bad foreign policies of Trump era. Biden did nothing much