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Full Version: Israel strikes dense Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, says it kills Hamas commander
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Israel strikes dense Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, says it kills Hamas commander

You kill me, I kill you, what's the point?
IDF now ordered to strike own Homes and military base.
not easy to follow the wars of the elohimS' descendents the Sun the Moon and the illuminati
Enlil Yahweh the God of the moon called Sin
Hamas got how many commander ?
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-11-01-08-50-49.png]
Hamas denied the commander was killed. How would IDF know if the airstrike indeed killed that person? is Hamas so stupid and let its commander hide inside the camp to be killed? Of course not. IDF anyhow bomb civilian premises assuming the target is inside. In the end it kills hundreds of civilians only.
Actually it is HAMAS killing its own people
When you see snakes roaming among your chicken coop
When you kill the snakes, you bound to kill the chicken as well
If you see the leeches and bugs on a dog
When you spray insecticide, you bound to hurt thr dog as well
Sometimes it’s easier to just kill the dog because it’s infected with disease already
there is no Almighty GOD that created the Universe/s
no different u enter a Hindu temple with Dieties
They were aliens they mixed their genes with the loca monkeys at first first .
Failed the female gods became surrogates. The static affairs became dynamic.
For ex.Noah was not ordinary monkey.
Beri high in the priesthood gene pools
B4 it was Abraham same sama processes.
The Flood was when Nibiru came close to earth.
The Gods knew b4 it hapan so they advised Noah how to keep their genes and experiments safe.And also to kill off those they did not want.
(01-11-2023, 09:26 AM)Bluebull Wrote: [ -> ]Actually it is HAMAS killing its own people
When you see snakes roaming among your chicken coop
When you kill the snakes, you bound to kill the chicken as well
If you see the leeches and bugs on a dog
When you spray insecticide, you bound to hurt thr dog as well
Sometimes it’s easier to just kill the dog because it’s infected with disease already

What Israel did is, if there is a snake inside a kindergarten, it sets a fire to burn down the kindergarten to kill the snake and all the teachers & kids inside.
we have not even touch on the King of the j.ews Jesus.

Back ground ahQua home ground Khazaria Caucasus mountains Caucations.
Romans came from Romania they practised black magic Count Dracula
U have to visit Alexandria Turkey Rome Cleopatra Julius Caesar...
culminating in the British Belfour agreement addressed to the merchant Banker Rothchield pertaining to J.ews and non-j.ews
(01-11-2023, 10:19 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]What Israel did is, if there is a snake inside a kindergarten, it sets a fire to burn down the kindergarten to kill the snake and all the teachers & kids inside.

In the first place why put your child in a place where there are snakes
IDF already told them to move to another place 
But HAMAS told the child parents that if they move, they will shoot them
(01-11-2023, 11:12 AM)Bluebull Wrote: [ -> ]In the first place why put your child in a place where there are snakes
IDF already told them to move to another place 
But HAMAS told the child parents that if they move, they will shoot them

Nobody put children in a snake farm…a snake entered the kindergarten, in order to kill the snake the IDF sent bombers to drop bombs to destroy the kindergarten instead of evacuating the children first.

Hamas has dug 500 km tunnels, some of the tunnels happen to be under a refugee camp. There are 1400 refugees inside, why didn’t IDF give warning to all the refugees and let them evacuate first? Dropping so many bombs and missiles in a high density area just to kill a Hamas commander who may not be there?