SG Talk

Full Version: now moh wake up to stop unnecessary tests for pte insured to stop rising premium
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long time ago reported that those pte insured patients hv been misusing the scheme when admitted to pte hospital on A class ware.

everything n all  paid through pte insurance dont need to pay a cts  for unnecassary treatment n test to maximise the claimed amt for n even hv lobsters n abones for dinner in mt ezliaberth hospitals  n other pte hospitals,

moh action shld hv been taken long ago  when 1st reported 

of course pte hospitals will paly along n encourage  to encourage more tests n longer stays to maximise profits
the rich n v rich misued the system only those who pte insured not going to A class ward were penalised unfaily to pay more n more premium throuh no faults of theirs

now will pte insurance companies reduce the premium when the misued part was arrested ?
Insurer knows abt excess deaths not like u know On one hand On the other type.
when the dying shows up to demand payments premiums go up
it is a competing agenda. They might want to kill u and when the deads arr. wat u get paid?
cannot compute.