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Full Version: Ho Say Laio! SMIC in trouble!
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This is called Hara kiri.
No Good.. Get lost... Clapping
domestic demand already cannot eat finish, why care about us blacklisting?
(12-11-2021, 01:23 PM)lionkingch55 Wrote: [ -> ]Chinese chipmaker says top executive, board members, quit (

Are u putting fireworks?
All these top management are paper generals, when pushed by communist party, they crack under pressure because they also no idea how to reduce the nano meters. It's all done by their engineers
i thought china is hyping their photon chip ?
(12-11-2021, 10:45 PM)maddog Wrote: [ -> ]All these top management are paper generals, when pushed by communist party, they crack under pressure because they also no idea how to reduce the nano meters. It's all done by their engineers

蔣尚義等三位台積人閃離中芯 中國14奈米以下晶片自製「到此為止」!?【關鍵時刻】20211112-1 劉寶傑 黃世聰 吳子嘉 呂庭華 李正皓 林廷輝 - YouTube
(12-11-2021, 11:27 PM)lionkingch55 Wrote: [ -> ]蔣尚義等三位台積人閃離中芯 中國14奈米以下晶片自製「到此為止」!?【關鍵時刻】20211112-1 劉寶傑 黃世聰 吳子嘉 呂庭華 李正皓 林廷輝 - YouTube

Correct lor, the video said they were recruited bec of their connection to the euv machine. Other than ability to buy euv, these top management are basically useless, that y ganna pok