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Full Version: Singapore will do more if cost of living goes up: Lawrence Wong
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Singapore will do more if cost of living goes up: Lawrence Wong
Dola has entered into Blackhole
every raising of RATE from 5.25 to 5.5
Banks' contracted near zero or zero poop
now more mor than 50% POOPed.
no way can QE anymor as below zero Blackhole of the kind dat make Debts heavier called deflationary blackhole.
Please don’t help us anymore. 
$$$ won’t fall from the sky.
The more they help. 
The higher the inflation.

Their lousy policies create today runaway inflation
Architects of the ONE WORLD chengHU are 1. UK 2.US 3 Isreal
Isreal is in Land Grab mode beginning with GAZA in a greater Isreal